We have started Genius hour and the students are excited! Genius hour happens once a week in our classroom. We are doing it every Friday afternoon. The students love it so much because they get to do research and learn about a topic that is interest to them. We have gone over how to properly use the internet, how to put things in our own words and to make jot notes. Once the students have answered their question of interest they have to figure out a way that they can present their information to us as a class. Some are doing powerpoint, concept maps on kidspiration, posters, videos and making models or doing demonstrations to go along with what they are presenting on. As a teacher it has been exciting to see the students get so involved in what they are researching. I love it!
Here are some great links that explain genius hour in a little more detail!
What is genius hour?
Students reflections on it:
Stay tuned for some of the fourth graders projects!