Sunday, 14 April 2013

Bringing experiences into the classroom

In social studies we have been learning about agriculture in Saskatchewan and how farming techniques have developed over the years from when the settlers started farming in SK to what is currently happening. We have talked much about the different types of grains farmed and the tools and machinary used. To wrap up the social outcomes RW4.1 and RW4.2 we had the opportunity to listen to Nicole Davis from Daybreak Mills explain the process that occurs at their farm for prodcing flour.

She explained everything to the kids from the parts of a wheat kernel to how they plant and harvest it to how a mill works to create flour. She brought along a couple kinds of seeds for the students to examine. We planted wheat and flax and will monitor the growth of the plants over the next couple of weeks. She also brought in a counter top mill and had the kids mill their own flour in which we then used to make bread! The activity was engaging for the students and they were full of questions. The baking of bread was a great way to work on our latest math concept as well - fractions!

We wrapped up the day by eating warm slices of bread with butter and jam! A great way to end a fun learning experience and a Friday.

We will now be working on a wiki space project online to wrap up this unit on agriculture. Once we get into the full swing of things I will post the link on the blog for it!




  1. I learned that wheat and flax is smooshed into flour and theres a machines that take the flax out.The thing I likd the most was planting because i was'nt here half the day.

  2. I learned what wheat and flax look like. reagan

  3. I learned about alot of cool things when the person showing us wheat was here.1 thing i learned was that the brown stuff in flower is called bran. The thing I liked best was making flower benjamin.wagstaff

  4. I learnd that if flax gets made into bread it will rot and fall apart -abi

  5. I learned what wheat and flax looks like. I also learned how flour is milled. What I liked best about Friday was making bread and planting flax!

  6. I learned that wheat and flax are different because wheat can be turned
    into bread and flax can be turned into
    a flower.My favorite part of the class was
    we made bread.

  7. on friday i learned how wheat grows and what get's done on the farm.


  8. I learned that wheat gets grinded up into flour and thats it.
    My favourite part is when we got to eat the bred.


  9. the best part wus eating the bread and makeing it what i lerned is how it is made.gage

  10. I leared that you have to put it another maciane to get the bran out and that they have REALLY BIG mills at there farm -kaleb poole

  11. I learned how the grainmill works and it was fun making bread.-katie

  12. on friday i learned how to make braed and what makes braed.


  13. I learned how flouer is made.The bread taste good.Mason S.

  14. At school I made bread with my class mates and I liked it because it made me learn lots of eduacation on farming.We got to eat it after lunch with jam also butter and it was fantasticly wonderful.

  15. I learned that making flour is'nt as eazy as it looks because it has to go through a grinder to get grinded then if you want puer flour you haft to put it through a screen then package it up and you read to go!
    What I learned is it's hard work but it's rewording when you finsh!

  16. what I like about whaet that you can make bread out of any kind of wheat. My favourite part was when we made the bread. Lexci

  17. My favorite part was when we made the bread.
    I learned that wheat takes lets of steps to grow.

  18. I learned that it really is fantastic in fourth! Thanks for having me guys - it was lots of fun!
