October's book report is a paper bag book report. Each of you will receive a paper bag from me. You need to do two things with the bag - decorate the outside and fill the inside, easy!
1. Outside of the bag
The outside of the bag should have the following:
One side - name of book and author with a drawing that is about the book.
One side - setting --> when and where the novel takes place and drawings of the setting.
One side - characters --> name(s) of main character, description and drawing.
One side - 6 to 8 sentences describing the main events of the book.
2. Filling the bag
The bag needs to be filled with AT LEAST FIVE objects that relate to the book.
I will give you index cards or you can make your own, to write down your explanation for each object of why it is important to your book.
If you cannot find an actual object, be creative and make it! Draw it, build it, use Lego, clay, etc.
3. Practice presenting your book report so you're ready to say it to your audience in class.
4. Have fun and be creative!
Due on Wednesday, October 30th!
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