Thursday, 24 April 2014


Tell me what you have learned so far about what the difference is between a rule and law. What are responsibilities and rights? What do you know about the federal government so far?


  1. I leaned that a law is something everyone has to follow and a rule is that some people have to follow like your classroom has rules so like a different classroom will have different rules but a law no one has different laws everyone has to follow the same law's. A responsibilities is that someone has trusted you to take care of something or to take care of someone and a right is that someone gave you the right to do something. A federal government is a government all over Canada. By Jayna

  2. A rule is something you have to follow but it doesn't apply to everyone. (ex) you can't run in the hallways at school but I can run in the hallway at home. We have different rules at different places. A law is like a rule but it is more important and the consequences are bigger. Also everyone has to follow laws. Laws may not be fun to follow but there cut out for our safety. A responsibility is when someone trusts you to do something for them or help them. A right is something that john Diefenbaker made. (ex) We have a right to vote and a freedom of speech. (etc) A federal government is a government that takes care of all of Canada.

  3. I learned that a law is something you have to follow and a rule is something that you have to do [example]-- house rule like cleaning the dishes or making your bed or your school. A responsibility is like somebody that trusts you or looks up to you. And a right is like you have the right to vote and have free education. Federal government means that they go all around Canada. Bryanna

  4. I learned that bullying is a law and that there are rules every were.


  5. a rule is a thing that you have to follow in your house or in the school or in public. A present follows a law or a rule. Responsibilities is when your mom or dad tells you if you can babysit your baby sister or baby brother at your house. You can go to ottewo to this plece to vote.
    by. Savannah

  6. you have the right to vote a rule could be something your mom made our your teacher too a law is something that is reinforced by the government a responsibilities are something that someone trusted you to do. by charles

  7. The difference between a rule and a law is. A rule only a couple of people have to follow, but a law everybody has to follow. Responsibilities are something that is yours to take care of. rights are like when you get the right to vote, right for freedom of speech. Federal government is like the prim minister.

    by Kelsey! :)

  8. What I know about the Federal government so far. Is that the federal government is the person who takes care of Canada. His name is Stephan Harper. He lives in Ottawa. What rule is? A rule is something have to do. A Law has bigger consequences and you HAVE TO FOLLOW it.

    Lauren Kobitz

  9. I learned that a law is basically a rule but the punishments are more serious. a rule is kind of a less serious law that all of a community does not have to follow. A right is something that your free to do (ex) you have the right to vote. A responsibility is something someone is counting on you to do. A federal government is a government is all over Canada . by tiana

  10. I leaned that a rule is someone how you have to listen to. A law is ware you get pull over and go to jail?

  11. a rule is different then a law because a rule is something you have to do defiantly but a law is something that you can get pulled over.

  12. A rule is something you have to do but if you don't do it there will be a consequence. A law is something everyone has to do including kids if you do not do it you might have to go to jail or pay a fine. A responsibility is where someone trusts you like baby sitting. A right is where you have free education. Emily

  13. A rule some people have to follow and a law every body has to follow. A responsibility is something that you have to take care of. A right is like you have a right to vote or you have a rite to have free education. By Eva

  14. I learned that a law is made up by some one who is in charge of like a city or town and is something that EVERY ONE must follow. A law is way more severe than a rule. If you break a law than you are in big trouble! You would ether have to pay a very expensive find, or you would have to go to jail, depending on what you did. A rule is something made up by your parents or your teacher that not everyone has to follow. A rule isn't as severe as a law. If you break a rule say at school, than you would probably just go for a time out. A right is something that we as citizens of Estevan can do (but other places have rights too) for example, we all have a right to vote if you are 18 and older. So far I learned that the Federal government effects all of Canada. But not other countries. By Katherine

  15. a rule is what your mom or dad says to you like ''you can't play at your friends if you don't clean your room ''or like ''your grounded for a hole week''. a law is a thing that every body has to follow the law if you brake the law you can be put in jail. Responsibilities is when some one trusts you and rights is when you get free school the federal govorment is the guy of Canada.

  16. a rule is when you are there you have to follow that rule a law is when everybody in that area have to follow it the federal gov't is the prime minster and he is the head guy of Canada by kaden

  17. A law is where everyone has to follow it a rule is something that your mom makes up clean your r room before you get to play with your friends. Responsibilities is when your mom is trusting you on something. the federal government is in charge of Canada.

  18. A rule is what you supposed to do or not to do, but if you broke it you will grounded. A law is that made up by by someone who in charge of city or town and every one must follow, but if you broke it, you are in really really, big trouble. By: Kurt

  19. A rule is a thing that is set for your safety and the punishment is not bad. A law is like a rule but the punishment is bigger. A right is something you can do like you have the right to have a job. A responsibilities is something like it is your responsibilities to watch your sister it is like someone is trusting you. The thing I have lurned about the federal government and Stephen Harper is the federal government


  20. a law is something that every has to follow [ex] like speeding you cant speed because that is haw accident happen or you can get a speeding ticket. rule is owes different like in your house you have different from your friend house. By Tyler

  21. Their is a huge difference between a rule and a law. Here is some examples for a rule clean up, don't sware, make your bed, feed the dog, take the garbage out. Here is some examples for a law. don't kill anyone or you are going to jail, stop at a red light, no speeding, no kid napping. And a federal government is a guy that makes decisions that affect all of Canada By:Zack

  22. I learned that a rule is not a big consequence and a law is a big consequence
    By Kaleb

  23. I learned that laws are like rules but the consequence is more serious. A right is something that we as people are free too do (EX) you have the right to vote. A responsibility is something that someone expects you to do. (EX) you would be responsible for a pet. something that I learnt about the federal government is that they are responsible for the trans-Canada highway and also provincial parks.

    by Jesse

    1. What a great understanding of the government Jesse. Very well put. Mom is so proud of you.

  24. A law is like rule but way bigger punishments like going to jail. A rule is like some one who trust you. The federal government Is in charge of all of Canada

  25. I learned that a rule is something that everyone might not have to follow my moms rules would probably be different than Mrs. Stefan rules. and a law is made up by someone that's in charge of a city or town if you break a law you would face severe punishment depending on what you have done you could go to jail or pay a major fine. a right is us as citizens of Estevan like the right of not having to cover up all of are body and having the right to vote if we are 18 and older. responsibility is someone is trusting you to do something like if your mom gave you a 20 doller bill and said spend it on books shes trusting you to do that by:gianna

  26. a rule is like you maybe have to clean your room or you have to do chores and a law is like you have to go 30mph or lower in school zones and if you don't obey a law you can go to jail or pay a fine a responsibility is when somebody trusts you with something a right is like you have a right to speak and vote the federal government is the head of Canada.
