Well, we made it through the first day! It was exciting and busy, making the day go by super fast. We spent the day getting organized and familiar with the classroom and some school routines. I am very excited to work with your children, it's going to be a great year!
Just some reminders for the week that I know of so far:
Please fill out the questionnaire attached to the welcome letter, this will help me know a few more things about your child and important contact information. The demographic sheet needs to be looked over to make sure that all of the information is correct. If anything is incorrect please fix it on the paper. Demographic sheets need to be brought back regardless if correct or needed changes. More information will be in the newsletter going home tomorrow about these sheets. I would like a family photo brought to school as we're going to put together a family tree in our classroom. The photo your child brings is up to you - it doesn't matter the size, if it's photocopied, black and white, etc. Just something that you're okay with your child using in our classroom. Please send back the questionnaire, demographic sheet, and family photo in your child's agenda by Friday, September 7.
Your child's agenda will have information in it on a daily basis regarding events, due dates, tests, etc. Please be sure to check it everyday and initial it so I know it's been checked! Thanks so much!
Stay tuned for more information and exciting classroom learning experiences that we will be having!
Mrs. Stefan
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